Liters, Mililiters, Grams And Miligrams Question Preview (ID: 42114)

Math Review-measurement. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which holds the greatest capacity?
a) bathtub
b) kitchen sink
c) cereal bowl
d) coffee mug

How many liters does a small trash can hold?
a) 2 L
b) 125 L
c) 20 L
d) 20 mL

Which best shows the mass of a hardback cover dictionary?
a) 100 g
b) 500 g
c) 1 kg
d) 10 kg

What is the total mass of an apple that is 150 g and a banana that is 143 g?
a) 293 kg
b) 193 g
c) 293 g
d) 204 g

The total mass of the toy cars is 720 g. If there are 9 toy cars, what is the mass of each car?
a) 8 kg
b) 8 g
c) 80 g
d) 18 kg

What is the mass of a bicycle?
a) 20 kg
b) 10 kg
c) 1 kg
d) 100 g

What is the mass of an adult elephant?
a) 2400 g
b) 120 kg
c) 2400 kg
d) 240 kg

What is the mass of a paperclip?
a) 1 kg
b) 25 g
c) 1 g
d) 10 g

What is the capacity of a small swimming pool?
a) 750 mL
b) 250 g
c) 750 L
d) 355 g

What is the capacity of a can of pop?
a) 2 g
b) 15 g
c) 750 mL
d) 750 L

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