Ancient China ??? Question Preview (ID: 42113)

Dynasty, Genghis Khan, Confucius, Silk Road General And Import/export Items, Marco Polo, Civil Service Test And Enduring Impacts Of Ancient China. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

For the Constructed Response question, I need to provide at least how many DETAILED answers to describe the Terra Cotta Soldiers?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 5
d) 8

Terra Cotta Soldiers weren't the only discovery to guard the Emperor. What other items were a shock to uncover?
a) statues that weigh 600 points, about 5 ft 11 inches tall and some are calm and others look angry and ready to fight
b) acrobats, swans, musicians, horses and chariots
c) rice, gunpowder, kites and silk

Terra Cotta Soldiers were discovered in 1974 and they are important for what reason?
a) Protect Marco Polo from fighting with Genghis Khan
b) All look different so a reminder we are all different
c) look different and give us something to study in 7th grade S.S.
d) guard emperor Qun Shi in the afterlife

The Mongol soldiers have a variety of abilities. Which statement makes that true?
a) gunpowder provided superior guns to fight and the stirrups helped the soldiers with agility on the horses
b) the fireworks scared the horses to go at a full gallop and the stirrups helped the soldiers with agility
c) the three extra horses allowed arrows to be fired at a full gallop and stirrups helped the soldiers with agility

The Civil Service test is an enduring impact. Support your answer to that statement.
a) it's still used today in the United States for government jobs such as secretary, custodians and law enforcement
b) Ms. Grey had to learn it to keep the Middle School students civil to each other.
c) All Military soldiers were taught how to use Genghis Khan's strategies to be a service to our country.

What's the purpose of the Civil Service Test?
a) test to determine if you can have a government job
b) test to determine if you will be able to attend college
c) test to determine what your S.L.O. score will be
d) test to determine if you're qualified to be an emperor or President today

Back in Ancient China, the rich were the ones who tended to pass the test. Why is that true?
a) the rich paid people to give them the answers on the test and they are always the smartest
b) The rich were smarter to learn law and history and memorize Confucius and paid off the test makers
c) the rich paid tutors to assist them and then could memorize Confucius, law and history more efficiently

Besides a popular water game, who is Marco Polo?
a) A Mongol warrior who has Terra Cotta soldiers to protect him now.
b) Chinese emperor who lived in the Forbidden City and ate with chopsticks
c) An Italian explorer who wrote a book about his travels for 16 years with Kublai Khan.

Ms. Grey's two children's names are: (BONUS..write it down!)
a) Carson and Marissa
b) Joe and Patrick
c) Julie and Karen
d) Scarlett and Josh

Along the Silk Road, the products become more expensive for what reason?
a) Merchants enjoyed making a profit
b) Products exchanged hands often, so traders increased the price
c) the travel was 4,000 miles long and took a lot of gas

The Silk Road is a network of trade routes that's 4,000 miles long. These are a few items were exported along it:
a) horses, numbers, cuisine, cotton and Frankincense
b) Steven, Parker and Evan
c) paper, colored pencils, markers and glue sticks
d) raw materials, flowers and the plague

The Silk Road is a network of trade routes that's 4,000 miles long. These are a few items were imported along it:
a) paper, colored pencils, markers and glue sticks
b) horses, cuisine, cotton and Frankincense
c) silk, paper, compass and gunpowder *all enduring impact
d) Rare animals, numbers and scissors

The Silk Road is a network of trade routes that's 4,000 miles long. These are a few items were imported along it:
a) horses, cotton and Frankincense
b) paper, colored pencils, markers and glue sticks
c) silk, paper, compass and gunpowder *all enduring impacts*
d) raw materials, flowers and plague

The Silk Road is a network of trade routes that's 4,000 miles long. These are a few items were exported along it:
a) cuisine, rare animals and numbers
b) paper, colored pencils, markers and glue sticks
c) horses, cotton and Frankincense
d) silk, paper, compass and gunpowder *all enduring impacts*

Showing Teamwork, having tricky ways, grouping troops, and being ruthless were all examples of? On the test, I will provide SUPERIOR details to obtain all points!
a) many reasons to use the Silk Road to trade
b) what made Marco Polo want to travel for 16 years with Kublai Khan
c) what made Genghis Khan an effective military leader

What is the emperors home called?
a) Forbidden City
b) Forever home
c) Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is 13,170 miles long. What was the purpose of building it?
a) dream for Ms. Grey to go visit, especially to get exercise
b) great tourist attraction
c) show off Ancient China's mad architecture skills
d) keep the invaders out, especially the Mongols

What is a dynasty?
a) a small detachment of troops or police officers given a special duty.
b) family that holds the power in a nation
c) person who became successful from their family-operated business

Confucius wants you to be a better person. What was some of his philosophies?
a) trade on the Silk Road, listen to music to calm down and study for all tests
b) honor the emperors, family is number one and listen only to your teacher
c) family is number one, be honest, work hard and obey the rules

A few facts I could include on the constructed response question on Terra-Cotta Soldiers are they:
a) weigh 800 lbs, all look the same, have no hair and are made of sand to protect Marco Polo
b) weigh 600 lbs, some looked calm while others were angry, weapons like crossbows and swords, and the footprint was 2.25 sq ft
c) weigh 300 lbs, average was 5 ft tall, all had same facial features, but their hair style was different

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