Holes Ch. 36-45 Question Preview (ID: 42083)

Holes Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

tough fabric
a) situated
b) contaminate
c) burlap
d) gnats

a long, deep track
a) distracted
b) raspy
c) rut
d) clutched

a) tiny flies
b) laughs
c) grabbed
d) arranged

a) distracted
b) clutched
c) ledge
d) concentrate

looking like something
a) altitude
b) resemble
c) burlap
d) snickers

not paying attention
a) distracted
b) raspy
c) contaminate
d) evicted

a) laughs
b) rough sounding
c) grabbed
d) get better

a) improve
b) situated
c) concentrate
d) altitude

a) kicked out
b) a narrow piece of earth that sticks out like a step
c) rough sounding
d) to make something toxic or dirty

a) grabbed
b) get better
c) tiny flies
d) tough fabric

a) snickers
b) raspy
c) resemble
d) ledge

to make something toxic or dirty
a) rut
b) distracted
c) contaminate
d) situated

a) kicked out
b) arranged
c) looking like something
d) height

a narrow piece of earth that sticks out like a step
a) ledge
b) situated
c) clutched
d) snickers

a) improve
b) gnats
c) resemble
d) situated

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