Prefix Retro- Question Preview (ID: 42063)
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a substance that works against stomach acid
a) retrofit
b) antacid
c) antihistamine
d) antibacterial
designed to fight against or kill bacteria
a) antibacterial
b) retrospective
c) antacid
d) antidote
a remedy or cure; something that works against a poison
a) antihistamine
b) antonym
c) antacid
d) antidote
a medicine that works against colds and allergies
a) antihistamine
b) antonym
c) antibacterial
d) retroactive
a word that means the opposite of another word
a) antidote
b) retrofit
c) antonym
d) retrospective
goes back to a prior time
a) retroactive
b) retrospective
c) antonym
d) antidote
to go back and install something that was not available at the time of original manufacturing
a) retrospective
b) antibacterial
c) retroactive
d) retrofit
characterized by looking back at the past and reflecting; related to the past
a) antidote
b) retrofit
c) antihistamine
d) retrospective
Since Laura had an allergic reaction to the pollen in the air, she needed to take an _______________________________.
a) antidote
b) antihistamine
c) antacid
d) antonym
In order to remain healthy, the boy uses ____________________________ gel on his hands to get rid of germs.
a) antibacterial
b) antidote
c) retrofit
d) antacid
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