Chapter 21 - CNS Question Preview (ID: 42055)

Central Nervous System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following statements is accurate?
a) Reflexes are voluntary actions.
b) Reflexes are caused by muscle contractions.
c) Reflexes are involuntary actions.
d) Reflexes are not reactions to stimuli.

Which of the following is NOT part of the nervous system?
a) Autonomic nervous system
b) Peripheral nervous system
c) Central nervous system
d) They all belong to the nervous system

An automatic response and does not involve a message to the brain.
a) Homostasis
b) Synapse
c) Reflex
d) Neuron

Connects the brain to the spinal cord and is made up of the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla.
a) Cerebrum
b) Cerebellum
c) Brain stem
d) Spinal cord

Part of the brain the that controls voluntary muscle movements, maintains muscle tone and helps balance.
a) Cerebrum
b) Cerebellum
c) Brain stem
d) Spinal cord

Division of the nervous system, made up of the brain and spinal cord.
a) Peripheral nervous system
b) Synapse
c) Homeostatis
d) Central nervous system

Largest part of the brain, where memory stored, movements are controlled and impulses interpreted.
a) Cerebellum
b) Cerebrum
c) Brain stem
d) Neuron

Basic functioning unit of the nervous system.
a) Neuron
b) Dendrite
c) Axon
d) Synapse

Small space across which an impulse moves from an axon to the dendrites of another neuron.
a) Dendrite
b) Axon
c) Synapse
d) Reflex

The brain can do which of the following?
a) Receive information
b) Cause movement
c) Think and learn
d) All answers are correct

Receives neuron messages and sends them to the cell body.
a) Dendrite
b) Brain stem
c) Axon
d) Cerebrum

Regulation of an organism's internal, life-maintaining conditions despite changes in it's environment.
a) Homeostasis
b) Neuron
c) Dendrite
d) Reflex

Carries messages AWAY from neuron cell body?
a) Brain stem
b) Dentrites
c) peripheral nervous system
d) Axon

Which of the statements below provides the best description of how alcohol and caffeine affect your body?
a) Alcohol and caffeine directly affect the nervous system.
b) Alcohol and caffeine have minimal effects upon your body.
c) Alcohol and caffeine have no effect upon the nervous system.
d) Both alcohol and caffeine speed up the central nervous system.

How does shivering best help the human body?
a) It exercises our muscles.
b) It helps us keep cold.
c) It exercises our bones.
d) It helps us keep warm.

Which of these is controlled by the somatic system?
a) breathing
b) digestion
c) heartbeat rate
d) body movement

Degeneration of neurons in the cerebellum would most likely result in some loss of ___________.
a) short-term memory
b) muscle coordination and balance
c) sensation in the extremities
d) the ability to read

All of your body's senses work together to main _____________.
a) balance
b) body weight
c) homeostasis
d) taste

Mr. Hill likes to drink coffee in the morning. Assuming that the coffee is caffeinated, Mr. Hill's central nervous system will most likely ______________.
a) slow down
b) become numb
c) speed up
d) body movement

The human body is made up of many systems. Which system is most involved when a person feels pain?
a) Muscular
b) Digestive
c) Nervous
d) Circulatory

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