Japan And World War 2 Question Preview (ID: 42053)

How Japan Became A World Power And The Events Of World War 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What Japanese city did the U.S. drop the 1st atomic bomb on?
a) Tokyo
b) Hiroshima
c) Nagasaki
d) Okinawa

Who was the leader of Japan during World War 2?
a) Hirohito
b) Tokaguawa Ieyasu
c) Minamoto Yoritomo
d) Hideyoshi

What was the name of the military alliance Japan joined with Germany and Italy?
a) Allies
b) Euro-Asian organization
c) United Nations
d) Axis

What was the 2nd Japanese city the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on?
a) Tokyo
b) Hiroshima
c) Nagasaki
d) Okinawa

What was the main event that caused the U.S. to join World War 2?
a) Fire bombing of Tokyo
b) Japan joining Germany during the war
c) Commodore Perry threatening war
d) Bombing of Pearl Harbor

What was the name of the pliots that intentionally crashed their aircrafts into U.S. ships?
a) Kamikaze
b) Torri
c) Hirohitoites
d) Karma pilots

Which one of the following did NOT happen after World War 2?
a) Japan is occupied by the U.S.
b) Emperor's power increased
c) Military was disbanned
d) Japan loses its colonies

What sea battle was the turning point for the Americans in the Pacific War?
a) Battle of the Coral Islands
b) Battle of Midway
c) Marshall island massacre
d) Guadalcanal campaign

What country did Japan attack first to show they were just as powerful as Western nations?
a) Russia
b) United States
c) China
d) Vietnam

What type of government did Japan have during World War 2?
a) Democracy
b) Constitutional Monarchy
c) Communist
d) Dictatorship

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