WES MATH Order Of Operations Question Preview (ID: 42032)

5th Grade Math / Order Of Operations. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In the order of operations, which always comes first: addition or subtraction
a) addition
b) subtraction
c) they are equal, whichever comes first
d) ?????

Solve: 15 - 5 + 6
a) 4
b) 16
c) 26
d) 10

Which comes first in order of operations: addition or multiplication
a) addition
b) multiplication
c) they are equal, whichever comes first
d) ?????

5 x ( 3 + 4 x 2) - 8 Which operation would come first?
a) 3 + 4
b) 4 x 2
c) 5 x 3
d) 2 - 8

What does 5(3 -1) mean?
a) subtract 3-1 and then multiply that by 5
b) subtract 3-1 and then add that to 5
c) multiply 5 x 3 and then subtract 1
d) subtract 3-1 and then divide by 5

Which equals 8
a) 3 x 8 - 10 - 10
b) 2 x 4 - 3 + 2
c) 2 x (5 + 1 + 6 - 8)
d) 3(2 + 1)

Which is strongest in order of operations?
a) multiplication
b) division
c) parenthesis
d) addition

What do you do if you have multiple operations inside the parenthesis?
a) whichever comes first
b) doesn't matter
c) follow PEMDAS inside parenthesis
d) ?????

What does 3 + 6/2 mean?
a) multiply 6 times 2 and then add 3
b) divide 2 by 6 and then add 3
c) divide 6 by 2 and then add three
d) multiply 3 times 6 and add 2

What does PEMDAS stand for?
a) no one really knows
b) parenthesis, exponents, multiply, divide, add, subtract
c) pluto, earth, mars, da moon and stars
d) ?????

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