Poetry Question Preview (ID: 42029)

Great Review 4th/5th. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is Onommatopeia?
a) A word that imitates the sound associated with the word
b) a word that appeals to the five senses
c) a repeated phrase or word
d) an exaggeration

What is a metaphor?
a) comparison using like or as
b) direct comparison, saying one noun IS another noun
c) giving non human objects human like qualities
d) an exaggeration

What is a simile?
a) comparison using like or as
b) a direct comparison, a noun IS another noun
c) giving a nonhuman object human-like qualities
d) repeated sound in the first letter of each word in a sentence

What is rhyme scheme?
a) words that use the five senses
b) a pattern of rhyme that usually uses letters (aa,bb, cc)
c) words that use the five senses
d) the way the poem looks

What is a stanza?
a) comparing two things using like or as
b) poems that do not have a regular rhythm
c) words that appeal to the five senses
d) a group of poetic lines

What is rhythm?
a) word for word
b) the beat a poem has
c) a word that makes the sound it is associated with
d) an exaggeration

What is mood?
a) an exagerration
b) word for word
c) repeated sound in the first letters of each word in the sentence
d) an emotion, tone, or attitude in a piece of literature

What is a haiku?
a) an old form of poetry from Japan, usually 5-7-5
b) a kind of poetry that has no real rhythm or pattern
c) makes you want to sing
d) tells a story

What is a narrative?
a) a poem that is usually funny or silly
b) specials poems that have five lines
c) a poem with a strong rhythm, sometimes sung.
d) tells a story

What is hyperbole?
a) words that make the sound it is associated with
b) an exaggeration
c) a repeated sound in the first letters of each word in the sentence
d) an emotion, attitude, or tone of a piece of literature

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