ISTEP Review 2 Question Preview (ID: 42012)

ISTEP Review 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Trees that lose their leaves in the fall are called this...
a) ferns
b) deciduous
c) evergreens
d) weeds

Number of elements on the Periodic Table
a) 118
b) 123
c) 212
d) 100

Temperature water boils.. in Fahrenheit
a) 100*
b) 212*
c) 32*
d) 300*

Temperature water Fehrenheit
a) 10*
b) 20*
c) 0*
d) 32*

Long necks to feed off tall trees are examples of...
a) endangered
b) adaptations
c) mutations
d) extinction

Which is not an example of a feedback mechanism?
a) shivering
b) sweating
c) gagging
d) leaving a scary movie early

Brain of the cell..
a) endoplasmic reticulum
b) mitochondria
c) nuclear
d) nucleus

Which organism has the most in common with a decomposer
a) tulip
b) buzzard
c) rabbit
d) grasshopper

What organism often begins an aquatic food chain?
a) killer whale
b) angle fish
c) shark
d) plankton

Tides are caused by what?
a) tilt of the Earth's axis
b) wind
c) moon's gravity
d) moon

If the sun is rising in the east, which way would your very long shadow be cast?
a) east
b) west
c) north
d) south

What changes depending on where you are located?
a) weight
b) mass
c) volume

What gas is produced when producers conduct photosynthesis?
a) nitrogen
b) oxygen
c) carbon dioxide
d) helium

Another word for sugar
a) sodium
b) glucose
c) chemical
d) acidic

A disturbance that that travels through a medium as a wave is this type of energy?
a) chemical
b) electricity
c) sound
d) heat

All members of one species living in a particular are are called a
a) population
b) family
c) race

What type of graph shows change?
a) bar graph
b) line graph
c) splatter plot

Imaginary titled line that runs through the Earth
a) Equator
b) Prime Meridian
c) Axis

ANything that involves heat is going to be what type of change?
a) physical
b) chemical

Everything has gravity even if it's not touching anything.
a) true
b) false

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