SAT Vocab Week 7 Question Preview (ID: 42008)

SAT Vocab Week 7. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) baneful
b) Fervent
c) garrulous
d) lackluster

easy to talk to; friendly
a) affable
b) conciliate
c) impassive
d) subservient

self-satisfied; confident in one’s self
a) turbulence
b) complacent
c) garrulous
d) baneful

showing care with how money and resources are spent
a) thrifty
b) impassive
c) benevolent
d) stagnant

causing ruin; harmful
a) complacent
b) Fervent
c) baneful
d) affable

to chide; to scold bitterly
a) upbraid
b) belligerent
c) garrulous
d) benevolent

lacking movement or energy
a) Fervent
b) stagnant
c) upbraid
d) baneful

a) affable
b) thrifty
c) subservient
d) Fervent

to win-over someone’s trust; reconcile
a) lackluster
b) garrulous
c) benevolent
d) conciliate

filled with passion or intensity
a) complacent
b) Fervent
c) baneful
d) thrifty

lacking emotion or drive
a) impassive
b) upbraid
c) affable
d) stagnant

great unrest; turmoil or disorder
a) turbulence
b) subservient
c) conciliate
d) impassive

giving freely to others; charitable; kind.
a) benevolent
b) thrifty
c) stagnant
d) upbraid

ready to fight
a) affable
b) subservient
c) belligerent
d) complacent

lacking energy or brightness; boring
a) conciliate
b) turbulence
c) lackluster
d) garrulous

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