UNIT 10 Question Preview (ID: 42004)
Unit 10 Test.
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WWII began as a fight against which of the following?
a) Communism
b) Nationalism
c) Capitalism
d) Fascism
According to President Roosevelt, how did building the Boulder Dam help many people?
a) created a large lake to swim in
b) provided many jobs for men that had been out of work
c) helped farmers in the Dust Bowl water their crops
d) helped people in the desert get water
Which countries were allies with the United States in both world wars?
a) Germany and Japan
b) Germany and Russia
c) Great Britain and Germany
d) Great Britain and France
Which of the following best explains why the 1920s were called the Roaring Twenties?
a) great economic crash caused everyone to roar
b) cars roared off the assembly lines
c) jazz musicians played really loud while the flappers danced
d) arts, industry and the economy were all growing quickly
All of the following were new to warfare during WWI except-
a) nuclear power
b) submarines
c) deadly gas
d) airplanes
What effect did the sinking of the Lusitania have on the US?
a) they started giving aid to France
b) they stayed out of the war
c) they declared war on Germany
d) they declared war on Great Britain
Which of the below is a major reason for WWII?
a) American ships were sunk be German subs
b) Jewish people were forced into concentration camps
c) Germany, Italy, and Japan were ruled by aggressive dictators
d) The US was attacked by Japan at Pearl Harbor
The Great Depression began with
b) WWI
c) stock market crash
d) Dust Bowl on the praries
Conditions of the Dust Bowl led some people to
a) start new businesses
b) move away from the area
c) buy empty farmhouses
d) travel on vacation to visit relatives
Which 20th Century system of thought led to European nations to compete for money and power and cause WWI? *Remember MAIN*
a) communism
b) socialism
c) capitalism
d) nationalism
Which environmental disaster made the Great Depression worse?
a) Galveston hurricaine
b) Chicago fire
c) earthquake in San Francisco
d) Dust Bowl drought
Sustained period with no rain and restricted water access
a) veteran
b) drought
c) depression
d) prosperity
association created to further the common interests of the group
a) dictators
b) drought
c) economy
d) alliances
rulers who have total control over a nation
a) friend
b) communism
c) veteran
d) dictator
During the 1920s there was an overproduction of consumer goods. What happened to the price of these goods when demand did not increase?
a) prices increased
b) prices skyrocketed
c) prices decreased
d) prices stayed the same
person who served in the military
a) dictator
b) colonel
c) veteran
d) alliance
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