Aztec/Maya/Inca Achievements Question Preview (ID: 41992)

7.7.5 Standard. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following civilizations constructed a calendar based on mathematics, astronomy, and religion?
a) Aztec/Inca
b) Inca/Maya
c) Aztec/Maya
d) Mali/Maya

Which civilization developed strong suspension bridges to travel around their difficult mountainous environment?
a) Inca
b) Aztec
c) Maya
d) Qin

The Aztecs developed a smart way of farming near their capital called chinampas. What are they?
a) Small pieces of farmland that are built on the sides of hills or mountains.
b) Small pieces of farmland that float on the top of water.
c) Small pieces of farmland that only grow fruit trees.
d) Small pieces of farmland that only last two to three seasons.

The Aztecs and Maya used a writing system that used a symbol for a word, idea, or sound. What are these called?
a) Chinampas
b) Steles
c) Glyphs
d) Quechua

How many days were in the Aztec and Mayan solar calendar?
a) 260
b) 421
c) 365
d) 300

The Aztecs and Maya used a religious calendar for various ceremonies and predictions. How many days did this calendar use?
a) 260
b) 421
c) 365
d) 300

The Maya were very advanced in the area of mathematics. The Maya understood the need for _______. Most other civilizations had to idea.
a) Zero
b) Division
c) Multiplication
d) One

What is trephination?
a) a type of surgery in which a hole is made in the chest
b) a type of surgery in which the heart is removed from the patient.
c) a type of surgery in which a hole is made in the foot
d) a type of surgery in which a hole is made in the skull

Which of the following civilizations di not have written language, but used a system of colored strings called quipis?
a) Aztec
b) Inca
c) Maya
d) The Franks

True or False: All three civilizations built incredible religious temples for their Gods.
a) True
b) False
c) Maybe?
d) Sounds like a question for Mrs. Pickett.

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