The New Deal Question Preview (ID: 41979)
Reviewing Terms And Concepts From The New Deal.
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The US Supreme Court represented __________ opposition to the New Deal?
a) Liberal
b) Conservative
c) Radical
d) Communist
What was the name of Huey Kingfish Longs program that served as a alternative to the New Deal?
a) A Chicken in Every Pot, a Car in Every Garage
b) The Square Deal
c) Share Our Wealth
d) Collective Responsibility
Which of these was the basic idea of the New Deal?
a) the Supreme Court is responsible to the executive branch
b) Energy production should be solely the concern of private enterprise
c) States’ rights have priority over rights of the federal government
d) the federal government has a major responsibility for ensuring economic prosperity
The biggest impact of the New Deal was to change the relationship between . . .
a) The President and Congress
b) The people and the Federal government
c) Congress and the Supreme Court
d) Democrats and Republicans
A major purpose of the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) during the 1930s was to
a) limit government borrowing.
b) break up banking monopolies.
c) create jobs for the unemployed.
d) strengthen consumer confidence in the banking system
The purpose of the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) was
a) to insure bank deposits in the United States.
b) to provide job opportunities in national parks.
c) to reduce farm surpluses and raise agricultural profits.
d) provide electrical power to an underdeveloped region of the U.S.
The purpose of the WPA (Works Progress Administration) was
a) to insure bank deposits in the United States.
b) to provide job opportunities for working Americans.
c) to reduce farm surpluses and raise agricultural profits.
d) provide electrical power to an underdeveloped region of the U.S.
The purpose of the AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) was
a) to insure bank deposits in the United States.
b) to provide job opportunities in national parks.
c) to reduce farm surpluses and raise agricultural profits.
d) provide electrical power to an underdeveloped region of the U.S.
This promise of a new deal for the American people was made by which U.S. president?
a) Richard Nixon
b) Woodrow Wilson
c) Theodore Roosevelt
d) Franklin Roosevelt
The Civilian Conservation Corps was a public work relief program designed to preserve the nation's natural resources while providing unemployed men with jobs. Which event resulted in the creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps?
a) World War II
b) the Truman Doctrine
c) the Great Depression
d) the Civil Rights Movement
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