Anat/Phys Nervous System #2 Question Preview (ID: 41925)

Anatomy And Physiology Explorations. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Chemicals that diffuse across the synaptic cleft to stimulate the next neuron or effector are called
a) neurosubstances.
b) neurotransmitters.
c) axon messengers.
d) synaptic transmitters.

The elevated ridges of the brain are called
a) gyri.
b) sulci.
c) lobes.
d) homunculi.

Which part of the brain is involved with motor control and intellectual reasoning is the
a) parietal lobe.
b) frontal lobe.
c) temporal lobe.
d) occipital lobe.

The primary sensory cortex is found in the
a) parietal lobe.
b) frontal lobe.
c) temporal lobe.
d) occipital lobe.

Which area of the CNS contains the olfactory area and speech/language area?
a) parietal lobe.
b) frontal lobe.
c) temporal lobe.
d) occipital lobe.

Which structure in the CNS functions to connect the cerebral hemispheres?
a) basal nuclei
b) brain stem
c) diencephalon
d) corpus callosum

Which portion of the brain contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus?
a) left cerebral hemisphere
b) right cerebral hemisphere
c) diencephalon
d) brain stem

Which portion(s) of the diencephalon act(s) as a relay station for sensory impulses passes up to the cortex?
a) thalamus
b) hypothalamus
c) epithalamus
d) thalamus and hypothalamus

Which part(s) of the brain stem control(s) heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing?
a) midbrain
b) pons
c) medulla oblongata
d) cerebellum

Which meninges clings to the surface of the brain?
a) dura mater
b) arachnoid mater
c) pia mater
d) none of these

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