Multiple Meaning Words Question Preview (ID: 41919)
Multiple Meaning Words.
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She took a trip to Florida. Which sentence has the same meaning as trip?
a) Be careful or you'll trip.
b) We planned our trip together
c) I trip over things very often.
I turned on the light so I could see better. Which sentence has the same meaning as light?
a) The feather was very light.
b) She wore light colors because it was going to be a hot day.
c) There is only one light in the living room.
Will you check my answers for me? Which sentence has the same meaning as check?
a) Mom wrote a check for the field trip.
b) I will check and see if the cat is in the house.
c) If you get a check, it means the answer is wrong.
Will you show me how to bake a pie? Which sentence has the same meaning as show?
a) I want to show you my new toy
b) I went to the show with dad.
c) My favorite television show is on tonight.
Mom put money into her bank account. Which sentence has the same meaning as bank?
a) People can work at a bank.
b) The river had a very high bank.
Mary likes to come to my house and play with me. Which sentence has the same meaning as play?
a) He starred in our class play.
b) I like to play checkers.
c) My favorite play is The 3 Little Pigs.
The peas were in a can. Which sentence has the same meaning of can?
a) I can do it by myself.
b) Can you help me do the dishes?
c) Mom gave me a can for the party.
The sign said DO NOT ENTER. Which sentence has the same meaning as sign?
a) Please sign your name on the paper.
b) Can you sign the word cat?
c) I read the sign on the wall.
I have a new watch. Which sentence has the same meaning as watch?
a) Did you watch me jump rope?
b) My watch is lost.
c) I don't watch many TV shows!
I want two pieces of candy please. Which sentence has the same meaning of two?
a) I want to go too!
b) There were two cats over there.
c) I want to go to the store.
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