Baumann's Science Review Question Preview (ID: 41913)

7th Grade Benchmark Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Function or job of a chromosome
a) determine inherited traits
b) respiration
c) perspiration (sweat)
d) storage of food, water or waste

If a plant is “phototropic”, that means it bends toward ---.
a) light
b) gravity
c) water
d) Mrs. Baumann

Which is an advantage (+) of sexual reproduction? :)
a) diverse offspring better chance of survival (natural selection) when environment changes
b) uniform offspring are cuter
c) it is fast
d) it is efficient

Plants changing radiant energy into chemical energy during
a) photosynthesis
b) respiration
c) winter
d) an eclipse

How does a pre-existing cell make another cell (or how do cells reproduce)?
a) by division of pre-existing cells (it divides)
b) respiration
c) selective breeding
d) digestion

In a freshwater biome, ponds and nearby rivers have
a) ALL of the same plants and animals
b) SOME of the same plants and animals
c) NONE of the same plants and animals
d) Mermaids and dragons

Adaptations of the finches beaks and tortoises shells on the Galapagos Islands where caused by
a) natural selection
b) selective breeding
c) extinction
d) Mrs. Baumann

What do genes on chromosomes found in the nucleus do?
a) determine inherited traits
b) store water, food and waste
c) make glucose
d) transform chemical into heat/thermal energy

What oval shaped organelle uses sunlight to make food?
a) chloroplasts
b) mitochondria
c) vacuoles
d) lysosomes

Which would result in diverse offspring: (divers means different)
a) budding
b) binary fission
c) regeneration
d) sperm fertilizes egg

The cell organelle that absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide (the lungs of the cell)
a) mitochondria
b) vacuole
c) cytoplasm
d) cell wall

The main function of the lungs is __.
a) respiration
b) perspiration
c) reproduction
d) digestion

Food, waste and other materials are TRANSPORTED to and from cells by which body system?
a) circulatory
b) respiratory
c) digestive
d) none of these answers is correct

Acids and enzymes break down food in __ digestion.
a) chemical
b) physical
c) mechanical
d) none of these answers is correct

During succession, stable trees and shrubs are found in which:
a) pioneer community
b) climax community
c) intermediate community
d) pioneer species

Which is the LEAST COMPLEX level of organization in living things?
a) cell
b) tissue
c) organ
d) organ system

Xylem is straw-like tissue in the stems of plants. What does XYLEM do?
a) transports water
b) photosynthesis
c) stores water, food, or waste
d) eat flies

High biodiversity is a _____ number of individual plants and animals, AND _____ different species in an ecosystem.
a) large, many
b) large, few
c) small, many
d) small, few

Warm blooded organisms maintain body temperature by transforming ______ energy of food into _______ energy
a) chemical, thermal/heat
b) kinetic, chemical
c) nuclear, electrical
d) electrical, solar

Stomach acid and saliva enzymes are used in what type of digestion that converts food into new substances?
a) chemical
b) physical
c) mechanical
d) none of these answers is correct

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