Japan's Early History Question Preview (ID: 41910)
Feudalism In Japan.
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The Japanese Emperor claims to be the descendant of what goddess?
a) Tokugawa
b) Amaterasu
c) Heian
d) Genji
Who had the most power in feudal Japan?
a) Daimyo
b) Samurai
c) Emperor
d) Shogun
Who was at the top of feudal society?
a) Daimyo
b) Samurai
c) Emperor
d) Shogun
What was the captial city of Tokyo once called?
a) Edo
b) Kyoto
c) Heian
d) Osaka
What European group was allowed to trade with Japan during the isolated period?
a) China
b) Korea
c) Dutch
d) British
What country had the greatest cultural influence on Japan?
a) Korea
b) China
c) Russia
d) Australia
What is the system of government where local lords rule the land?
a) Democracy
b) Monarchy
c) Nationalism
d) Feudalism
What was the name of the capital of imperial Japan during the Heian Court period?
a) Kyoto
b) Tokyo
c) Edo
d) Nagasaki
What is the Japanese language that uses symbols to represent syllables?
a) Latin
b) Cyrillic
c) Kana
d) Igpa Atinla
Who were the early inhabitants of Northern Japan who were discriminated in Japanese society?
a) Mongols
b) Burakumin
c) Samurai
d) Ainu
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