Character Traits Question Preview (ID: 41906)

Identify The Character Traits. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

You are writing a story about Zach, who has a bee on his nose. Choose the best description to show that Zach is calm.
a) Zach's mind raced. Please don't sting me, he thought.
b) Zach closed his eyes and took slow, even breaths.

You are writing a story about Mitchell, who gets the highest grade in the class. Choose the best description to show that Mitchell is proud.
a) Mitchell balled up his test and tossed it into the wastebasket.
b) Mitchell studied the big red A at the top of his test and smiled.

You are writing a story about Sofie, who is fighting with her friend. Choose the best description to show that Sofie is sad.
a) Tears began to well in Sofie's eyes, so she turned her face away.
b) Sofie shook her head forcefully. No, she said. Once again you're completely wrong!

You are writing a story about Brandy, who is meeting someone for dinner. Choose the best description to show that Brandy is slow.
a) It was already half past seven, and Brandy still had to get dressed.
b) By the time her friend arrived, Brandy had already chosen a table and read over the menu.

Brooke's whole body was shaking, and her voice grew louder with every word. Brooke is probably feeling...
a) Lonely
b) Depressed
c) Angry
d) Joyful

Christopher had prepared a special feast for his dog's birthday, and he was glad to see Rex enjoying it. What trait describes Christopher?
a) selfish
b) forgetful
c) calm
d) caring

Johnny asked that the award be given to his whole team instead of just him. I couldn't have done it without them, he said. Johnny is probably...
a) Humble
b) Confident
c) Arrogant
d) Selfish

Vincent woke two hours earlier than everyone else on Saturday. He went for a ten-mile run and then made pancakes for the whole family. Vincent is probably...
a) nosy
b) slow
c) excitable
d) productive

Michael cradled the injured bird carefully in his cupped hand. Michael is probably...
a) imaginative
b) fearless
c) clever
d) kind

When the Halls had a new baby, Ms. Whitaker brought over seven meals that they could freeze. Ms. Whitaker is probably...
a) scatterbrained
b) helpful
c) self centered
d) secretive

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