Agricultural Revolutions Question Preview (ID: 41897)

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The Industrial Revolution transformed Western agriculture
a) through mechanization and the creation of new markets
b) through corporate and religious change
c) by eliminating agricultural pests
d) with biotechnology

The___________ marked the beginning of the First Agricultural Revolution.
a) domestication of cattle
b) cultivation of seed crops
c) use of fertilizer
d) planting of trees

The Green Revolution involved all of the following EXCEPT
a) an increased use of fertilizer
b) a decreased reliance on humans for agricultural labor
c) a decreased use of pesticides
d) a decreased use of pesticides

The first agriculturalists were
a) commercial farmers
b) European entrepreneurs
c) also hunters-gatherers
d) also ranchers

The Green Revolution greatly increased crop production in some countries
a) with some adverse side effects
b) without adverse side effects
c) by encouraging the cultivation of local crop varieties
d) by introducing organiz agricultural methods

Examples of luxury crops include:
a) wheat and sugar.
b) coffee and tobacco.
c) cacao and corn.
d) tobacco and potatoes.

The domestication of plants and animals occurred in the
a) First Agricultural Revolution
b) Green Revolution
c) Colombian Exchange
d) Second Agricultural Revolution

Southwest Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Mesoamerica and the Sub-Saharan regions were all
a) leaders in starting the Columbian Exchange
b) areas noted for widespread terracing
c) regions where the Third Agricultural Revolution failed
d) hearths of plant domestication

The Second Agricultural Revolution can generally be traced to Europe and coincided with what other major historical movement?
a) The First Agricultural Revolution
b) The Communist Revolution
c) European Imperialism
d) The Industrial Revolution

Often crops are associated with regions other than the one in which they were developed. For example, the “Irish” or “Idaho” potato originated in the Andean Highlands. Corn of the American “Corn Belt” originated in
a) West Africa
b) the Fertile Crescent.
c) Central America.
d) Southeast Asia.

Most scholars believe that seed cultivation (First Agricultural Revolution) occurred in
a) Asia
b) the Fertile Crescent.
c) tropical Africa.
d) the Nile Valley.

Goats were domesticated 10,000 years ago in the Zagros Mountain region of
a) Southeast Asia
b) North Africa
c) Fertile Crescent
d) North AGreecefrica

Hunter-gatherers living in the vicinity of the Pacific Ocean specialized in
a) salmon fishing.
b) bison hunting.
c) deer hunting.
d) acorn collection.

As a result of the Columbian Exchange, which crop was transferred to Europe from the Americas and later spread through the world
a) coffee
b) maize (corn)
c) rice
d) olives

_______________ fueled the Second Agricultural Revolution.
a) Governments and technology
b) Governments and climate change
c) Governments and climate change
d) Governments and climate change

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