Review2 Question Preview (ID: 41885)

Continued Review Of Material. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence?
a) Patrick Henry
b) George Washington
c) King George III
d) Thomas Jefferson

The House of Representatives and Senate (our Congress) do this.
a) make laws
b) enforce laws
c) decide whether laws go against the Constitution
d) command the military

What did the Freedmen's Bureau do?
a) helped African Americans campaign for political office
b) provided free transportation to the Western territories
c) provided food, shelter, jobs, and medical care for African Americans and whites
d) created farming communities for farmers and plantation owners

England, France, and ______ settled North America.
a) Portugal
b) Spain
c) China
d) Austria

The Father of the Constitution.
a) James Madison
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) Roger Sherman
d) George Washington

These people had their passage to the colonies paid for in exchange for 5-7 years of work.
a) Puritans
b) indentured servants
c) Pilgrims
d) enslaved Africans

The first English colony was called ____________. (It did not last, however)
a) Roanoke
b) Plymouth
c) Jamestown
d) Quebec

Who built igloos?
a) Plains Indians
b) Eastern Woodland Indians
c) Ancestral Pueblo
d) Inuit

What was the first major battle in the Civil War?
a) Battle of Anaconda
b) Battle of Vicksburg
c) Battle of Shiloh
d) Battle of Bull Run

The Gold Rush took place where?
a) California
b) Washington D.C.
c) Florida
d) Canada

The Treaty of Paris 1783 __________.
a) prevented British troops and supplies from reaching Cornwallis
b) ended the French and Indian War
c) ended the American Revolution
d) was an agreement to work together

What made the economies in New York and New Jersey strong?
a) weaving
b) trade
c) hunting and gathering
d) indigo

Quebec became a trading post for this.
a) fur
b) canoes
c) fish
d) slaves

Native Americans in the eastern woodlands would experience ___________.
a) rocky coastlines
b) flat plains
c) dry deserts
d) thick forests

What was important about the Dred Scott decision?
a) It abolished slavery.
b) It imposed big fines on slave owners.
c) It closed the Underground Railroad.
d) It meant that if enslaved people were taken to free states, they were still enslaved.

What did President Jackson do after the Supreme Court ruling concerning Native Americans?
a) He agreed with the decision.
b) He ignored the decision.
c) He let the Cherokee remain in Georgia.
d) He forced the Cherokee to move to Maine.

A Patriot was ___________.
a) an American soldier or other Americans who supported the Revolution
b) a colonist who supported Great Britain
c) a professional soldier from another country
d) a person who chose to desert, or run away from the war

People who disagreed with the Puritans would do this.
a) move back to Europe
b) start their own colony
c) take over the colony
d) become explorers in Africa

An example of checks and balances:
a) the president declares war
b) a senator votes for a law
c) the Supreme Court decides to hear a case
d) the Congress can override a presidential veto

The three branches of government:
a) executive, legislative, judicial
b) checks, balances, veto
c) federal, revenue, judicial
d) House of Representative, Senate, Supreme Court

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