Review Question Preview (ID: 41884)

Review Of Material For The Year. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What did immigrants hope to find in the United States?
a) discrimination
b) starvation
c) poor housing
d) work

The Battle of Yorktown was important because ____________.
a) it was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War
b) it was the only sea battle in the Revolutionary War
c) it was the final British victory of the Revolutionary War
d) it was the 1st American defeat in the Revolutionary War

Who was allowed to vote in the colonial governments?
a) all the colonists
b) women, enslaved Africans, and Native Americans
c) white men
d) white men who owned property

Moctezuma was the leader of this empire.
a) Taino
b) Iroquois
c) Inca
d) Aztec

What two cultures both planted maize, beans, and squash?
a) Inuit and Tlingit
b) Hohokam and Ancentral Pueblo
c) Iroquois and Cherokee
d) Navajo and Plains Indians

People who traveled on the Underground Railroad were called ________.
a) sailors
b) passengers
c) conductors
d) operators

The Indian Removal Act forced Native Americans on a journey known as what?
a) Oregon Fever
b) The Great Hunger
c) The Trail of Tears
d) The Erie Canal

When the Patriots needed a victory, who came up with a bold new plan?
a) George Washington
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) Thomas Gage
d) John Adams

What does 'freedom of the press' mean?
a) right to speak or print truth
b) right to free newspapers
c) right to a printing press
d) right to go anywhere

Why did traders go to West Africa?
a) to do business with wealthy African kingdoms
b) to learn their language
c) to go to war
d) no other routes were available

Native Americans in the southwest would
a) dry farm
b) hunt buffalo
c) make canoes
d) use resources of the forest

In addition to slavery, ________ led to conflict between the North and South.
a) lower prices
b) boycotts
c) bans
d) tariffs

After an invention in 1793, __________ became the most important cash crop in the South.
a) indigo
b) corn
c) bananas
d) cotton

At Saratoga, the Americans were able to prove __________.
a) that they could defeat the British
b) they could not fight
c) the British had few supplies
d) France's help was not needed

Many people living in Boston or New York would have been _________.
a) plantation owners
b) backcountry farmers
c) merchants
d) governors

These people were the first Europeans to reach North America.
a) Portugese
b) Spaniards
c) Norse
d) Muslim

Stone head carvings were an achievement of the _________.
a) Maya
b) Hohokam
c) Tlinglit
d) Olmec

The Republican Party was formed to _________.
a) build a transcontinental railroad
b) pass the Kansas-Nebraska Act
c) oppose the spread of slavery
d) support slavery

What animal changed the lives of the Lakota after the 1500s?
a) sheep
b) horses
c) buffalo
d) beaver

Many Native Americans died because Europeans brought this.
a) diseases
b) farming methods
c) wheat
d) horses

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