Topic 3: Japanese Occupation Question Preview (ID: 41880)
Japanese Occupation In Singapore.
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What is the meaning of 'Asia for the Asians'?
a) Local leaders, under Japanese guidance, would rule their own countries.
b) Local leaders, under British guidance, would rule their own countries.
c) Local leaders, under American guidance, would rule their own countries.
d) British would rule Asia
What are the three ways to promote 'Asia for the Asians'?
a) Dispelling the Myth of the 'Yellow Man's' Superiority; Cultivation of Asian Consciousness;Attempts to win local support
b) Dispelling* the Myth of the 'White Man's' Superiority; Cultivation of European Consciousness;Attempts to win local support
c) Dispelling the Myth of the 'White Man's' Superiority; Cultivation of Asian Consciousness;Attempts to win Japanese support
d) Dispelling the Myth of the 'White Man's' Superiority; Cultivation of Asian Consciousness;Attempts to win local support
How did the Japanese try to cultivate Asian Consciousness?
a) Use propaganda to highlight that British were just as good as the Americans
b) Use propaganda to show that the Japanese were kind and that they promoted hard work and humility
c) Use propaganda to show that the British were kind and that they promoted hard work and humility
d) Use propaganda to highlight that Asians were just as good as the Europeans
What is Kempeitai?
a) The Japanese military police to remove anyone who was suspected to be anti-Japanese.
b) The Japanese police to remove anyone who was suspected to be anti-Japanese.
c) The Japanese soldiers to remove anyone who was suspected to be anti-Japanese.
d) The Japanese doctors to remove anyone who was suspected to be anti-Japanese.
The Kempeitai started a mass screening operation to remove anti-Japanese elements. What was the operation called?
a) Sook Chiang
b) Sook Ching
c) Sook Chong
d) Sok Ching
All men between the age of ? and ? were required to report at the mass screening centres.
a) 16 and 50
b) 25 and 50
c) 18 and 50
d) 25 and 45
The Kempeitai used ? to encourage people to inform the Kempeitai whom they suspected was involved in anti-Japanese activities.
a) food or cash rewards
b) water or cash rewards
c) clothes or cash rewards
d) food or shoes rewards
Therefore, the people lived in fear because...?
a) people became suspicious of one another as anyone could be brainwashed
b) people became suspicious of one another as anyone could be rewarded with food
c) people became happy with one another as anyone could be accused of being anti-Japanese
d) people became suspicious of one another as anyone could be accused of being anti-Japanese
Why was there a shortage of goods and food for the people?
a) Most resources supplies were channeled to Japan’s war efforts rather than to the people
b) People lived in mountainous areas.
c) There were droughts.
d) There were famines.
Why was rationing introduced in Singapore during the Japanese Occupation?
a) To control the import of goods into Singapore from overseas
b) To control the sale of items
c) To control the sale of essential items
d) To control the export of goods from overseas into Singapore
Therefore, the Japanese Occupation worsened the people’s living conditions because...?
a) there was insufficient clothes and this caused many people to suffer from malnutrition and diseases
b) there was insufficient food and this caused many people to suffer from poor working condition
c) there was insufficient food and this caused many people to suffer from malnutrition and diseases
d) there was insufficient building and this caused many people to suffer from malnutrition and diseases
Purpose - PAOCE. What does P stand for?
a) Point
b) Purpose word
c) Factor
d) Link
Purpose - PAOCE. What does A stand for?
a) Apple
b) Audience
c) Audio
d) Army
Purpose - PAOCE. What does O stand for?
a) Outcome
b) Objective
c) Orange
d) Object
Purpose - PAOCE. What does C stand for?
a) Content
b) Content evidence
c) Content explanation
d) Contest
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