WES MATH Vocabulary Review #1 Question Preview (ID: 41864)

5th Grade Math Vocabulary Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Adding all the sides of a polygon gives you the
a) area
b) perimeter
c) volume
d) diameter

Which is NOT a prime number between 10 and 20?
a) 11
b) 13
c) 15
d) 17

Name the two quadrilaterals with four congruent sides
a) square and trapezoid
b) square and rectangle
c) rhombus and square
d) rhombus and trapezoid

Any line that has both of its endpoints on the circle
a) radius
b) chord
c) circumference
d) diameter

An angle that measures 73 degrees is:
a) acute
b) obtuse
c) right
d) straight

If two shapes are the same shape and same size, they are:
a) similar
b) congruent
c) obtuse
d) acute

Which of these would come first in order of operations?
a) multiply ( X )
b) subtract ( - )
c) add ( + )
d) parenthesis ( )

What do you call the answer to an addition problem?
a) difference
b) quotient
c) sum
d) product

A hexagon has how many sides
a) 5
b) 6
c) 8
d) 10

Which word does NOT deal with probability?
a) chances
b) odds
c) sum
d) liklihood

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