Counting By 10 Question Preview (ID: 41848)

NC.5.OA.3 Identify And Extend Numerical Patterns 4. Understand Counting By 10’s On And Off The Decade (0-100). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Count by 10. What comes next in the pattern? 10, 20, 30, _____
a) 40
b) 45
c) 50
d) 67

Count by 10. What comes next? 70, 80, 90, ____
a) 12
b) 40
c) 100
d) 45

Count by 10. What comes next? 30, 40, 50, ____
a) 20
b) 45
c) 87
d) 60

Count by 10. What comes next? 45, 55, 65, _____
a) 75
b) 30
c) 97
d) 40

Count by 10. What comes next? 32, 42, 52, _____
a) 50
b) 62
c) 70
d) 80

Count by 10. What comes next? 5, 10, 15, _____
a) 60
b) 68
c) 20
d) 90

Count by 10. What comes next? 39, 49, 59, ____
a) 69
b) 45
c) 32
d) 60

Count by 10. What comes next? 12, 22, 32, ____
a) 17
b) 8
c) 50
d) 42

Count by 10. What comes next? 67, 77, 87, ____
a) 20
b) 45
c) 97
d) 22

Count by 10. What comes next? 18, 28, 38, _____
a) 100
b) 22
c) 90
d) 48

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