Vocabulary Unit 3 Week 8 Question Preview (ID: 41819)

Vocabulary Unit 3 Week 8. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the definition of wound?
a) an injury
b) moving slowly
c) the outside of a surface
d) the inside of a surface

What is the definition of sluggish?
a) an injury
b) moving slowly
c) the outside of a surface
d) the inside of a surface

What are antonyms for exterior?
a) exterior, outside
b) fast, active
c) inside, middle, interior
d) destroy, break

What are antonyms for interior?
a) uninjured, unbroken
b) fast, active
c) inside, inner
d) exterior, outside

What are synonyms for generate?
a) produce, make, create
b) inside, inner
c) injury, bruise, cut
d) destroy, break

What are synonyms for interior?
a) outside, exterior
b) inside, inner
c) bruise, cut
d) make, produce

What is the definition of exterior?
a) the outside of a surface
b) the inside of a surface
c) outside, outer
d) inside, middle

What are synonyms for wound?
a) interior, inside, middle
b) bruise, injury, cut
c) create, make, produce
d) fast, active, lively

What are antonyms for sluggish?
a) uninjured, unbroken
b) destroy, break
c) active, fast, lively
d) inside, inner

What is the definition of interior?
a) the outside of a surface
b) moving slow
c) to create something
d) the inside of a surface

What are antonyms for wound?
a) uninjured, unbroken
b) an injury
c) There are no antonyms for this word.
d) outside, outer

What is the definition for generate?
a) to create something
b) moving slow
c) an injury
d) create, make, produce

What are synonyms for sluggish?
a) injury, bruise, c ut
b) slow, inactive
c) outside, outer
d) create, make, produce

What are synonyms for exterior?
a) inside, inner
b) produce, make
c) outside, outer
d) inactive, slow

What are antonyms for generate?
a) create, make
b) inside, inner
c) fast, active
d) destroy, break

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