STAAR Review - Government And Politics People Question Preview (ID: 41794)

Match The Person To Their Description. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Led South Carolina into the Nullification Crisis when he refused to pay the new Federal Tariff; supported slavery and states rights
a) Henry Clay
b) Daniel Webster
c) John C Calhoun
d) Abraham Lincoln

Accused of a Corrupt Bargain with Henry Clay to become 6th president
a) John Adams
b) John Quincy Adams
c) Andrew Jackson
d) James Monroe

2nd President of the United States; X,Y,Z Affair and Alien and Sedition Acts
a) John Adams
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) James Madison
d) Samuel Adams

Hero of the Battle of New Orleans, 1st Democratic President, President of the Common Man, known as Old Hickory
a) George Washington
b) James K Polk
c) Andrew Jackson
d) John Quincy Adams

Congressman from Kentucky who proposed the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850
a) Henry Clay
b) Daniel Webster
c) Andrew Jackson
d) John C Calhoun

Scientist, inventor, writer, and oldest delegate at the Constitutional Convention
a) George Washington
b) James Madison
c) Roger Sherman
d) Benjamin Franklin

Primary author of the Declaration of Independence; 3rd President of the United States; Louisiana Purchase
a) George Washington
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) James Madison
d) James K Polk

Anti-Federalist who refused to attend the Constitutional Convention because he said - I smell a rat
a) Patrick Henry
b) Alexander Hamilton
c) James Madison
d) John Adams

Author of the Federalist Papers; Leader of the Federalist Party; Created the Bank of the United States
a) John Adams
b) Alexander Hamilton
c) Aaron Burr
d) George Washington

English philosopher who said it is the duty of government to protect peoples life, liberty, and property
a) Charles de Montesquieu
b) William Blackstone
c) John Locke
d) Thomas Jefferson

1st Republican president of the United States. Issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War
a) George Washington
b) Andrew Jackson
c) Abraham Lincoln
d) Ulysses S Grant

Father of the Constitution and author of the Federalist Papers
a) Benjamin Franklin
b) James Madison
c) Alexander Hamilton
d) George Washington

Anti-Federalist; Argued that a Bill of Rights needed to be added to the Constitution
a) John Jay
b) James Madison
c) George Mason
d) Alexander Hamilton

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who heard the Marbury v. Madison case
a) John Marshall
b) Roger Taney
c) Earl Warren
d) John Jay

His Doctrine told European countries that no further colonization would be permitted in the Western Hemisphere
a) James Madison
b) James Monroe
c) Andrew Jackson
d) John Adams

French philosopher who first wrote about Separation of Powers within government; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches
a) George Mason
b) Marquis de Lafayette
c) James Madison
d) Charles de Montesquieu

Wrote Common Sense to convince Americans to support independence from Britain
a) Thomas Paine
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) Patrick Henry
d) Benjamin Franklin

Served as president of the Constitutional Convention and later as 1st President of the United States
a) George Washington
b) John Adams
c) Thomas Jefferson
d) Abraham Lincoln

After the Civil War he was the 1st African American elected to the United States Senate
a) Crispus Attucks
b) Fredrick Douglass
c) Hiram Rhodes Revels
d) William Carney

Congressman from Massachusetts who supported protective tariffs and opposed slavery
a) John C Calhoun
b) Daniel Webster
c) Henry Clay
d) James Monroe

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