Natural Vs Human-Harnessed Electricity Review Question Preview (ID: 41769)

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Typically produced by friction that causes a shock and occurs naturally
a) Electric current
b) Charge
c) Human-harnessed electricity
d) Static electricity

Electricity flowing through a wire
a) Electric Current
b) Charge
c) Static electricity
d) Human-harnessed electricity

Either positive or negative
a) Electric current
b) Charge
c) Static electricity
d) Human-harnessed electricity

What is one way static electricity is different from electricity humans use to run things in their home?
a) Static electricity always goes in the same direction
b) Static electricity flows at a constant rate
c) Static electricity is a quick release of energy
d) Static electricity requires magnets and coils of wire

Examples of how humans harness current electricity would be
a) Windmills generating electricity
b) Using electricity to run a lamp
c) getting a shock from a doorknob
d) Both 1 and 3

A source of human-harnessed electricity is
a) A hydroelectric dam
b) lightning striking a building
c) socks from the dryer sticking together
d) getting a shock from a doorknob

Electricity that is produced by human intervention
a) Electric current
b) Charge
c) Human-harnessed electricity
d) Static electricity

One way to know that lightning is an example of static electricity is because lightning
a) Is created by thunder
b) is a quick release of energy
c) Requires a metal surface
d) Moves toward magnets

Why is current electricity a better source for use in our homes than static electricity?
a) Electricity is used where people live
b) Materials must be used to create electricity
c) Different amounts of electricity are used at different times
d) A steady flow of electric current is needed in our homes

Static electricity is made when
a) Humans intervene
b) There is a steady flow of electricity through a current
c) There is an imbalance between the positive charges and the negative charges of materials
d) There is a balance between the positive charges and the negative charges of materials

Carter takes off his hat on a dry winter day and notices his hair is standing straight up. What caused this?
a) Human-Harnessed electricity because there was an imbalance between the positive and negative charges of the material
b) Static electricity because there was an imbalance between the positive and negative charges of the material
c) Human-Harnessed electricity because there was a balance between the positive and negative charges of the material
d) Static electricity because there was a balance between the positive and negative charges of the material

What is natural electricity?
a) Natural electricity is manually created (crank flashlight)
b) Natural electricity is created naturally with no help from humans (static electricity)
c) Natural electricity is a steady flow of electricity that is used as energy in our homes (circuit)
d) Natural electricity is created with human intervention (circuits)

What is human-harnessed electricity?
a) Human-harnessed electricity is created by friction (static electricity)
b) Human-harnessed electricity is created without help from humans (circuits)
c) Human-harnessed electricity is created naturally (static electricity)
d) Human-harnessed electricity is created with human intervention (circuits)

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