Business Law Final Part Ii Question Preview (ID: 41764)

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Federal District Courts have original jurisdiction over:
a) Both of these
b) Lawsuits between citizens of different states
c) Federal questions
d) None of these

The term used for being charged with a crime that someone under you committed is:
a) Vicarious Criminal Liability
b) Voir Dire
c) Substantive Charge
d) Realm of Legal Responsibility

Crimes of Person include all of the following except:
a) Illegal Speeding
b) Hate Crimes
c) Rape
d) Assault

In order for a crime to be considered a misdemeanor what must happen?
a) Either or Both of These
b) Less than a year in jail.
c) Less than a $1,000 fine
d) Neither of Those

Due Process requires all but what?
a) Personal selection of jury members by the accused's party
b) A fair trial
c) A public trial
d) Guilty verdicts must come “beyond a reasonable doubt”

Accepting a charge to lessen your punishment is called:
a) Plea Bargain
b) Immunity
c) Admission of No Guilt
d) Self-Defense

Acting in a way that limits a court's ability to administer justice is known as:
a) Contempt
b) Treason
c) Voir Dire

The 4 requirements for a tort are Duty, Breach, Injury, and ________.
a) Causation
b) Monetary Requirement
c) Criminal Activity
d) Intention

The most common type of Tort is:
a) Unintentional
b) Intentional
c) Criminal
d) Property

The rule regarding duties of citizens states that the rule should reflect the actions of a ________ citizen.
a) Minor
b) Adult
c) Reasonable
d) Foreign

Which of the following would NOT be considered a strict liability activity.
a) Storing 50 gallons of gas in your garage.
b) Hiring a magician for your child's birthday party.
c) Purchasing and installing a trampoline on your property.
d) All of the these could fit under the term of strict liability

Receiving more money than what you lost in value is called.
a) Punitive Damages
b) Stringent Damages
c) Compensatory Damages
d) Public Damages

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