Final Exam Review Question Preview (ID: 41757)

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Artifacts are objects left behind by humans. Scientists and historians study artifacts to....
a) create museum displays.
b) predict the future.
c) learn about earlier people.
d) make movies.

What effect did Julius Caesar's seizure of power have on the Roman political system?
a) It secured the rights of the commoners against the nobles.
b) It allowed for control of the state by the Senate.
c) It marked the transition from a republic to an empire.
d) it standardized the system by which emperors were chosen.

What was the main contribution of Emperor Shi Huangdi to China?
a) He unified most of China under one government.
b) He established a public education system in China.
c) He required citizens to use the Mongol language.
d) He encouraged acceptance of the Hindu religion.

How did the rise to power and reign of Alexander the Great MOST affect Greece?
a) He established a peaceful relationship with the Persian Empire.
b) He strengthened greatly the concept of democratic rule.
c) He made Macedonia into the intellectual center of the Hellenistic world.
d) He ended the power of the city-states and established a unified nation.

Which development MOST enabled early peoples to form permanent settlements?
a) advances in agricultural production
b) the creation of democratic government
c) the spread of monotheism
d) advances in written language

Which earlier civilization MOST influenced the Roman Empire?
a) Phoenician
b) Greek
c) Incan
d) Etruscan

Many early civilizations were called riverine cultures because they developed near rivers. How did the rivers contribute to the survival of these civilizations?
a) They were a power source for mechanical devices such as waterwheels.
b) They provided a route for transporting goods to other civilizations.
c) They provided a fresh water supply and rich soil for growing food.
d) They formed protective barriers around civilizations.

Which early civilization spread the use of a simple alphabet as it traded with other peoples?
a) the Chinese
b) The Harrappan
c) the Egyptian
d) the Phoenician

Which statement correctly describes early hunter-gatherer societies?
a) They relied on farming for most of their food supply.
b) They traveled with large surpluses of food.
c) They often changed their physical location.
d) They usually lived together in large cities.

Which group MOST increased its power when the Roman Empire fell?
a) the Roman generals
b) the Roman land owners
c) The Christian Church
d) the Persian Empire

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