Review Questions: USI.1-5 Question Preview (ID: 41753)

Review Questions: USI.1-5. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which ocean is north of Europe?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Arctic Ocean
d) Indian Ocean

Which ocean is above Antarctica?
a) Pacific Ocean
b) Southern Ocean
c) Arctic Ocean
d) Atlantic Ocean

If a ship off the west coast of Africa followed the equator west, it would touch land in....
a) Asia
b) South America
c) Europe
d) Australia

Which US region contains the oldest mountain range in North America?
a) Coastal Plain
b) Rocky Mountains
c) Appalachian
d) Canadian Shield

Which US region contains the Continental Divide?
a) Canadian Shield
b) Interior Lowlands
c) Basin and Range
d) Rocky Mountains

Which Native American group lives in the desert?
a) Inuit
b) Iroquois
c) Kwakiutl
d) Pueblo

Which is a capital resource?
a) otter
b) fish
c) fisherman
d) canoe

Which European country became a major trading partner with West African empires in the late 1400s?
a) England
b) France
c) Portugal
d) Spain

The cultural group that believed the land in the New World should be used and shared but not owned was the ....
a) English
b) American Indians
c) Spanish
d) French

Cotton was shipped to Europe, and Clothes were shipped to the New World. Based on this, which statement is true?
a) The colonies refused to trade with England.
b) The 13 colonies provided England with raw materials in return for raw materials.
c) The 13 colonies provided England manufactured goods in return for raw materials.
d) The 13 colonies provided England with raw materials in return for manufactured goods.

Which colonial region has coastal lowlands used to raise livestock and grow grains?
a) Mid-Atlantic
b) New England
c) Southern

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