Evolution Review Games Question Preview (ID: 41752)

Evolution. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following individuals put for the widely accepted theory of evolution by natural selection and common descent?
a) Darwin
b) Lamarck
c) Lyell
d) Malthus

Which of the following individuals was the first to suggest that Earth was millions of years old?
a) Lamarck
b) Lyell
c) Malthus
d) Wallace

Which of the following individuals wrongly suggested that through the use and disuse of structures organisms acquire traits during their life time and pass them on to their offspring?
a) Darwin
b) Lamarck
c) Lyell
d) Wallace

Which of the following individuals suggested that overpopulation would lead to a struggle for existence and a competition for resources?
a) Darwin
b) Lyell
c) Malthus
d) Wallace

Which of the following individuals proposed a mechanism of evolution similar to Darwin's but did not have the data to support it?
a) Lamarck
b) Lyell
c) Malthus
d) Wallace

Which of the following concepts suggests that individuals better-suited to their environment will produce more offspring than those individuals less-suited to their environment?
a) Artificial Selection
b) Common Descent
c) Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
d) Natural Selection

Which of the following concepts suggests that all life on Earth share a common ancestor and descended, with modification from that shared ancestor?
a) Artificial Selection
b) Common Descent
c) Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
d) Natural Selection

Which of the following terms refers to a physical (color, body part) or behavioral trait that increases an organisms chance of survival?
a) Acquired Characteristic
b) Adaptation
c) Fitness
d) Variation

Which of the following terms refers to an organism's ability to survive and produce offspring?
a) Acquired Characteristic
b) Adaptation
c) Fitness
d) Variation

In which type of selection does the environment favor individuals with the average form of a trait favored; therefore reducing genetic variation within that population?
a) Artificial
b) Directional
c) Disruptive
d) Stabilizing

In which type of selection do humans selectively breed organisms to exhibit the traits they desire?
a) Artificial
b) Directional
c) Disruptive
d) Stabilizing

In which type of selection does the environment favor individuals with both of the extreme forms of the trait, resulting in the population splitting into two distinct species?
a) Artificial
b) Directional
c) Disruptive
d) Stabilizing

In which type of selection does the environment favor the extreme form of a trait at one end of the spectrum?
a) Artificial
b) Directional
c) Disruptive
d) Stabilizing

Which of the following terms refers to differences among organisms?
a) Acquired Characteristic
b) Adaptation
c) Fitness
d) Variation

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