Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome Question Preview (ID: 41748)

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The modern world has the Greeks to thank for all of the following EXCEPT:
a) columns
b) theater
c) arches
d) the Olympics

The United States government was influenced very much by the Roman Republic. Which of the following DID NOT EXIST in ancient Rome?
a) checks and balances
b) senators
c) constitution
d) president

For about 500 years, Rome was a republic or representative democracy. A representative democracy is where:
a) citizens could vote to elect officials to make decisions for them.
b) citizens voted many times a year on each issue.
c) only women had power.
d) there were no slaves.

Greek and Roman religion had a lot in common. What is an example of something they had in common?
a) They believed in many gods.
b) They did not have any temples.
c) They only believed in one god.
d) There are no stories about the gods.

What type of land feature were most of Greece and the city of Rome located on?
a) island
b) desert
c) lake
d) peninsula

What large body of water played the biggest role for both Greece and Italy?
a) Nile River
b) Mediterranean Sea
c) Red Sea
d) Yellow River

Which of the following statements about Alexander the Great is TRUE?
a) His empire lasted a long time.
b) He helped spread Greek culture to many new places.
c) He lived in Rome.
d) He was killed by the Persians.

The democracy in ancient Athens was what type of democracy?
a) direct democracy
b) representative democracy
c) constitutional monarchy
d) necrocracy

The geography of Greece could best be described as:
a) very low elevation.
b) rocky, rugged.
c) flat.
d) volcanoey.

What city-state of ancient Greece is believed to be the birthplace of democracy?
a) Sparta
b) Corinth
c) Athens
d) Delphi

It is generally agreed that the Roman Republic ended after the death of:
a) Octavian (Augustus).
b) Romulus.
c) Brutus.
d) Julius Caesar.

The Romans' language went on to impact our alphabet, two-thirds of our vocabulary, and even how we number our Super Bowls. What was the Roman language called?
a) Persian
b) Latin
c) English
d) Hebrew

Which of the following is a reason that the Roman Empire ended?
a) invasions from outside of the empire.
b) the water all dried up.
c) the emperors were just too good at running the government.
d) the people all moved away from the city of Rome.

All people had the right to vote in ancient Rome and ancient Athens.
a) True
b) False

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