Holes Vocabulary Ch. 31-35 Question Preview (ID: 41691)

Holes Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a sugary liquid made by plants
a) certain
b) nectar
c) accelerate
d) mirage

a space that allows air to come in
a) mirage
b) accelerate
c) ventilation
d) fidgeting

a) striking
b) ignition
c) ventilation
d) sheepish

a) part that starts a car
b) positive
c) to speed up
d) water faucet

a) to speed up
b) a sugary liquid made by plants
c) a space that allows air to come in
d) water faucet

a) shy
b) positive
c) water faucet
d) hitting

making small movements with hands and feet
a) sheepish
b) accelerate
c) fidgeting
d) ventilation

something that appears to be real, but is not
a) nectar
b) mirage
c) spigot
d) certain

a) something that appears to be real but is not
b) to speed up
c) hitting
d) positive

to speed up
a) striking
b) mirage
c) accelerate
d) spigot

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