Money Test Review Question Preview (ID: 41681)

Tax, Discount, Percent Of Change, Interest. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Snowboard that were originally 50% off are now an additional 20% off. If the original price of the snowboard was $300, what is the sale price?
a) $120
b) $140
c) $115
d) $220

Target is selling a $35 shirt at a 10% discount. Walmart sells the same shirt for $40, but has it on sale for 1/5 off the regular price. Which is the better deal, and by how much?
a) Target by $1.25
b) Target by $0.50
c) Walmart by $1.25
d) Walmart by $0.50

During Science class students were weighing blobs of slime they made. Samantha estimated she had 250 grams of slime, but she actually had 260 grams of slime. What was her percent of error?
a) 4%
b) 5%
c) 6%
d) 18%

Jackson thought the answer was 35, but it was really 42. WHat was his percent error?
a) 16.67
b) 20
c) 18.25
d) 32

Julia went to the Hooston Music Center to take some singing lessons. It usually costs $45 per lesson, but Julia had a 12% off coupon. How much did Julia save?
a) $49.40
b) $39.60
c) $4.50
d) $5.40

In August, Phidippides lowered the cost of Real Madrid jerseys 30%. In October, they lowered the price by another 20%. What is the current price if the original price was $104.83?
a) $34.44
b) $67.20
c) $58.70
d) $81.17

Keke went to the mall and charged $876 to her credit card. Her credit card company charges Keke at a 22% interest rate. How much interest will Keke owe if she doesn’t pay the debt off for a year?
a) $192.72
b) $188.23
c) $133.23
d) $133.38

The population of Concord in 2012 was 82,000. By 2016, the population had grown to 89,000. What is the percent of increase?
a) 7.5%
b) 8.5%
c) 9.5%
d) 11%

When Savannah first got her Great Dane, it only weighed 6 lbs. The next time she weighed her dog, it weighed 45 lbs. What is the percent increase of her dog’s weight?
a) 4.5%
b) 450%
c) 65%
d) 650%

A $35 shirt is marked down to $28. What is the percent of mark-down?
a) 15%
b) 20%
c) 25%
d) 30%

A website is selling a $247.95 guitar for 30% off. How much will this cost including 7¼ % sales tax?
a) $171.22
b) $212.48
c) $363.80
d) $186.14

What is the tax rate charged on a $8.45 mirror that charges $.51 tax?
a) 5%
b) 6%
c) 7%
d) 8%

An $87 jersey is on sale for $64.38. What is the percent of discount?
a) 18%
b) 22%
c) 26%
d) 30%

A $340 television is being sold at a 30% discount. How much will it cost, including 7% sales tax?
a) $254.66
b) $289.74
c) $311.02
d) $83.22

Daniel got a job at Belk where he earns a 5% commission on whatever he sells, and also earns $7.00 per hour. How much money will Daniel make this week if he works for 20 hours and sells $320 worth of merchandise?
a) $122
b) $16
c) $156
d) $135

Andy, Jake, Jinxx, and Ashely went out to the Knives Pens restaurant to have lunch. The meal came to $66.87, and they left a 20% tip. If they decided to split the bill evenly, how much did each person pay?
a) $13.37
b) $80.24
c) $20.06
d) $13.34

A Panthers shirt costs $27.00. How much will four Panther shirts cost if there is a 15% discount
a) $91.90
b) $87.66
c) $32.38
d) $26.11

Dillon went to breakfast and bought an omelet for $5.99, toast for $1.30, and orange juice for $1.99. If the sales tax is 6.5%, how much tax did Nick pay?
a) $0.34
b) $0.14
c) $0.60
d) $0.23

Carson went to Witkowski's Deli and ordered two $4.50 sandwiches and a $.99 drink. How much did he owe including 6.5% tax?
a) $16.35
b) $10.64
c) $.65
d) $.29

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