Anat/Phys Eye And Vision Question Preview (ID: 41680)

Anat/Phys Explorations. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Glands that produce tears are called
a) salivary glands.
b) lacrimal glands.
c) tertiary glands.
d) sebaceous glands.

What is the clear structure on the anterior eye through which light rays pass?
a) cornea
b) sclera
c) conjunctiva
d) choroid

Which eye structure regulates the amount of light that reaches the retina?
a) cornea
b) iris
c) lens
d) vitreous humor

Which structure of the eye nourishes the cornea?
a) ciliary body
b) sclera
c) vitreous humor
d) aqueous humor

Fibers from the medial aspect of each eye's retina cross at the
a) optic disc
b) optic chiasma
c) optic radiation
d) optic nerve

The blind spot of the eye is
a) at the macula.
b) anterior to the iris.
c) where the optic nerve leaves the eye.
d) inferior to the lens.

The photoreceptors that allow us to see color are
a) the rods.
b) the cones.
c) the rods and cones.
d) neither the rods or cones.

The area of greatest visual acuity is the
a) optic disc.
b) choroid.
c) fovea centralis.
d) ciliary zonula

In a myopic eye the focal point of the image falls
a) behind the retina.
b) on the retina.
c) in front of the retina.
d) to the side of the retina.

Movement of the eyeball in its socket is controlled by
a) intrinsic muscles.
b) smooth muscles.
c) extrinsic muscles.
d) endomyosium muscles.

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