War Of 1812 Question Preview (ID: 41677)

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Where were the majority of Tennesseans in the early 1800s?
a) east TN
b) middle TN
c) west TN
d) southern TN

Name this battle: The Prophet tried to attack William Henry Harrison's troop and lost. Prophetstown was then burned to the ground.
a) Battle of Prophetstown
b) Battle of the Thames
c) Battle of New Madrid
d) Battle of Tippecanoe

What is it called when British sailors were capturing American soldiers and forcing them to fight?
a) impressment
b) slavery
c) indentured servitude
d) soldiering

War hawks wanted to. . .
a) use hawks to find the Natives
b) stay out of the war
c) go to war with England
d) impose trade restrictions on Britain and France

Who predicted the New Madrid Earthquakes
a) James Madison
b) William Henry Harrison
c) The Prophet
d) Tecumseh

Which of the following was not an effect of the New Madrid Earthquakes?
a) Reelfoot Lake was formed
b) Mississippi River ran backwards
c) lands were flooded
d) huge tidal waves came crashing from the Atlantic Ocean

Who helped Andrew Jackson at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend?
a) Cherokee
b) Creek
c) Shawnee
d) Tecumseh

Who saved important documents from the White House when the British set it on fire?
a) Martha Washington
b) James Madison
c) Dolly Madison
d) Thomas Jefferson

Where was Francis Scott Key when he wrote the Star Spangled Banner?
a) in a ship off the coast of Baltimore during a British attack
b) at the White House as a guest of James Madison
c) in a park while looking at the window at an American Flag
d) after he heard about the Battle of New Orleans

Who led the soldiers to victory at the Battle of New Orleans, even though the war was already over?
a) George Washington
b) Andrew Jackson
c) William Henry Harrison
d) Francis Scott Key

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