Observation Vs. Inference Question Preview (ID: 41676)

Students Practice Identifying QL Observations, QN Observations, And Inferences; Also, Identifying Statements That Are Neither. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

White light is best for the growth of plants
a) QL
b) QN
c) Inference
d) None of the above

Water the plants daily
a) QL
b) QN
c) Inference
d) None of the above

One plant grew 4cm in 7 days
a) QL
b) QN
c) Inference
d) None of the above

The experiment did not have a control
a) QL
b) QN
c) Inference
d) None of the above

The plants grown in white light were greener
a) QL
b) QN
c) Inference
d) None of the above

The experiment was invalid
a) QL
b) QN
c) Inference
d) None of the above

The leaves grown under red light were withered
a) QL
b) QN
c) Inference
d) None of the above

Pots should be the same size
a) QL
b) QN
c) Inference
d) None of the above

Green light appears to have slowed plant growth
a) QL
b) QN
c) Inference
d) None of the above

Plants grown in white light had more leaves
a) QL
b) QN
c) Inference
d) None of the above

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