Weathering And Erosion Question Preview (ID: 41674)

This Is All About Weathering And Erosion, Including The Two Types Of Weathering. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Carbon dioxide is a form of chemical weathering that produces ______________
a) Strong Acids
b) Weak Acids
c) Carbonic Acids
d) Nothing dangerous

What are the two most important factors for the rate of weathering?
a) Type of rock and shape of rock
b) Type of rock and climate
c) Climate and the shape of the rock
d) How big or small the rock is

What type of weathering is oxygen?
a) Chemical
b) Mechanical
c) Physical

This type of weathering is when rocks wear away by water, air, or other forces
a) Acid Rain
b) Animal Actions
c) Plant Growth
d) Abrasion

What do living organisms produce that weathers rocks?
a) Cracks
b) A weak acid
c) A strong acid
d) A very strong base

This is created when oxygen weathers rocks.
a) Dark Spots
b) Rust
c) Nothing
d) Rocks begin to breath

The process that breaks down rocks and changes the composition is known as __________________
a) Chemical Weathering
b) Mechanical Weathering
c) Physical Weathering
d) Erosion Weathering

This is the type of weathering that happens because of Lichens.
a) Living Organisms
b) Acid Rain
c) Water
d) Carbon Dioxide

When ice breaks rocks through ice wedging it is known as _____________
a) Carbon Dioxide
b) Abrasion
c) Animal Actions
d) Freezing and Thawing

When roots pry apart cracks in rock it is ____________________
a) Animal Actions
b) Plant Growth
c) Living Organisms
d) Oxygen

This type of weathering comes from pollution.
a) Oxygen
b) Animal Actions
c) Abrasion
d) Acid Rain

This type of weathering causes rock to physically be broken into smaller pieces.
a) Mechanical
b) Chemical
c) Erosion
d) Oxidation

A chipmunk burrows under ground to build a home, what type of weathering is he contributing to?
a) Carbon Dioxide
b) Oxygen
c) Living Organisms
d) Animal Actions

Factories pollute the air with the fossil fuels they burn, which type of weathering do they create?
a) Chemical Acid Rain
b) Mechanical Water
c) Chemical Oxygen
d) Mechanical Abrasion

Weathering is when rocks are broken down, what's it called when broken down rocks are moved somewhere else?
a) Traveling
b) Erosion
c) Releasing
d) Uplifting

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