Evolution TEST Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 41589)

Part 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Using the chart and question 32 of your study guide, speckled and striped beans (mice) had the best survival rates. Why?
a) They reproduced very rapidly.
b) Coloration was a form of camouflage.
c) They mimicked other mice and were spared.
d) The speckled and striped beans had a wider range.

Carlos discovered a fossil within a particular layer of rock. What type of rock was this fossil most likely found in?
a) igneous
b) obsidian
c) metamorphic
d) sedimentary

Position of land masses of early Pennsylvania can be determined through fossil records because we know that most plants presently live on land. From this information, we can infer?
a) plants are preserved as fossils
b) animals are preserved as fossils
c) that rocks that contain plant fossils were also formed on land
d) fossils cannot be used to determine the history land position

Scientists have found fossils of ocean-dwelling or marine animals in the mountains of Pennsylvania. What does finding fossils of marine animals in these rock formations tell us about Pennsylvania's past?
a) Pennsylvania was once a equatorial land mass.
b) Before mountain building occurred, this area was underwater.
c) The mountains were once seamounts, underwater.
d) The state was once at the bottom of the ocean and it rose up.

Trilobites were abundant in Pennsylvania. Trilobites were among the first of the arthropods, a phylum of hard-shelled creatures with multiple body segments and jointed legs. Their fossils first appeared in early Cambrian period about 570 million year
a) covered by warm, shallow seas
b) glacial terrain
c) a dry and sandy plain
d) mostly mountain ranges

The image for number 14 of your study guide shows the carbonized remains of a fish from the Green River Formation, Wyoming. What is a limitation of this type of fossil?
a) limited to only marine animal remains
b) does not allow for dating of the remains
c) two dimensional image of the remains
d) three dimensional image of the remains

Several factors affect an organism's ability to fossilize. Which environment would increase the chance of fossilization?
a) erosive environment
b) immense sediment-sized
c) high energy environment
d) depositional environment

Consider the model (#16) for natural selection. In a population of living things, genetic variation exists. One source of variation is mutation. Which scenario listed here could be a mutation that causes members of a population to die out?
a) In a population of fast-running cheetahs, some are born that run slower than most.
b) In a population of sunflowers, mutations cause some flower heads to produce more seeds.
c) In a population of brownish rabbits that live in the tundra, some are born with fur that turns white in the winter.
d) In a populations of birds, mutations result in different beak sizes so the birds do not compete for food in the area.

Consider the model (#!17) for natural selection. Describe a scenario that represents this model of natural selection.
a) In a population of rabbits, some are brown all year long. When it snows these rabbits cannot hide from predators and they bec
b) In a population of sunflowers, mutations cause some flower heads to produce more seeds. More seeds means more plants.
c) Different beak sizes so the birds do not compete for food in the area. The bird population has many different beak types.
d) The herbivores with longer necks can reach the leaves, survive and reproduce. The herbivores, over time, have longer necks.

Number 18. One is populations are large and in the population variation exists. Consider this population of disease-causing bacteria. What is the MOST LIKELY cause for variation in this population?
a) over-population
b) drug resistance
c) genetic mutation
d) sexual reproduction

Darwin hypothesized that there are definite steps to natural selection. Consider the model here. Use the Roman numerals (I - III) to guide you through the steps. Which is an accurate description of Darwin's hypothesized theory of natural selection?
a) Sexual reproduction of bacteria cause variation. Some bacteria survive and some do not. Over time all of the bacteria should
b) In any population, variation exists. Some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics so they survive and reproduce.
c) In a population of bacteria that are exposed to antibiotics, some bacteria change their genetic make-up and survive.
d) Some bacteria are capable of changing to a new environment. They survive and reproduce, passing along their favorable traits.

#20 Is global warming causes flooding and the once marshy habitat is underwater. Which group would MOST likely survive and reproduce in this new habitat?
a) Group A
b) Group B
c) Group E
d) Group H

Which hypothesis provides the best explanation as to why the Manchester Peppered Moth populations changed over time?
a) Each moth changed color to adapt to the changing environment.
b) As the soot covered trees became more prevalent, lighter colored moths stood out and were eaten.
c) As the environment changed, darker moths were less likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on their genes.
d) The light colored peppered moths avoided predation because they were better adapted among the soot colored trees.

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