Parts Of Speech Question Preview (ID: 41587)
Parts Of Speech.
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Tara picked a fresh ROSE out of the garden for her aunt. What part of speech is the capitalized word?
a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Adjective
Do you know anyone with a ROSE garden? What part of speech is the capitalized word?
a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Adjective
The sleeping bear cubs ROSE and patted their mother for attention.What part of speech is the capitalized word?
a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Adjective
We will BOOK a hotel room before leaving for our trip. What part of speech is the capitalized word?
a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Adjective
Calvin bought a new BOOKin his favorite series. What part of speech is the capitalized word?
a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Adjective
ara needs more YELLOW paint to finish the portrait. What part of speech is the capitalized word?
a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Adjective
YELLOW is a warm color. What part of speech is the capitalized word?
a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Adjective
I ate some BABY carrots for lunch. What part of speech is the capitalized word?
a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Adjective
The newborn BABY cried all night. What part of speech is the capitalized word?
a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Adjective
My dad will BABY his new car by waxing it every week. What part of speech is the capitalized word?
a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Adjective
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