Parrots Question Preview (ID: 41576)

Reading Comprehension. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are bills?
a) Birds' beaks or mouth.
b) Birds' feet with four toes.
c) Birds' feathers on top of their heads.

What is a crest?
a) Birds' feathers on top of their heads.
b) Birds' feet with four toes.
c) Birds' beaks or mouths.

What does mimic mean?
a) To imitate (copy) closely.
b) To understand or come to a conclusion by using good judgment.
c) To make one's thoughts or ideas known.

What does reason mean?
a) To understand or come to a conclusion by using good judgment.
b) To imitate (copy) closely.
c) To make one's thoughts or ideas known.

What does communicate mean?
a) To make one's thoughts or ideas known.
b) To imitate (copy) closely.
c) To understand or come to a conclusion by using good judgment.

What are rainforests?
a) Dense forests that are usually located in tropical areas and receive a lot of rain.
b) Places that are very dry and hot.
c) Places with many hills and mountains.

Which of the following is NOT a form of communication?
a) Taking a test.
b) Talking with your friend at lunch.
c) Waving to your teacher.
d) Texting back and forth with your mom.

What do parrots use their hooked beaks for?
a) All of the above.
b) To crack open nuts and other foods.
c) To carry things.

True or false: Sometimes, mimicking is mean.
a) True
b) False

Which is a continent where a rainforest is NOT located?
a) Antarctica
b) Asia
c) South America

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