Roots Day 1 Question Preview (ID: 41570)

Root Words Reveiw. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the root word photo mean?
a) light
b) sun
c) moon
d) bright

What does the root word grad mean?
a) high
b) step
c) low
d) light

What does the root word aud mean?
a) touch
b) taste
c) hear
d) see

What does the root word ped mean?
a) hand
b) foot
c) finger
d) nose

What does the root word hydr mean?
a) drink
b) sweat
c) milk
d) water

What does the word port mean?
a) leave
b) carry
c) pick
d) still

What does the word bio mean?
a) life
b) death
c) butterfly
d) science

What does the root word phon mean?
a) sound
b) smell
c) ear
d) text

What does the root word chron mean?
a) alarm
b) compare
c) hour
d) time

What does the word logue mean?
a) word
b) spelling
c) sequence
d) leave

What does the root word graph mean?
a) spell
b) write
c) time
d) math

What does the root word astra mean?
a) star
b) sky
c) fly
d) sun

What does the root word geo mean?
a) earth
b) planet
c) star
d) sun

What does the root word rupt mean?
a) calm
b) scream
c) burst
d) wander

What does the root word spec mean?
a) hear
b) see
c) taste
d) smel

What does the root word jur mean?
a) rules
b) police
c) peace
d) justice

What does the root word struct mean?
a) break
b) burst
c) bring
d) build

What does the root word mit mean?
a) mailman
b) letter
c) send
d) stamp

What does the root word therm mean?
a) cold
b) mug
c) heat
d) steam

What does the root word tract mean?
a) pull
b) push
c) throw
d) invent

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