Periodic Table Test Question Preview (ID: 41569)

Periods 1,3,6. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The family of ________________________________ is the most reactive group of metals int he periodic table.
a) diatomic molecule
b) lanthanides
c) actinides
d) alkali metals

A(n) _____________________ has some of the properties of both metals and nonmetals.
a) alloy
b) alkaline earth metal
c) metalloid
d) noble gas

A(n) ______________________ consists of 2 nonmetal atoms bonded together.
a) halogen
b) diatomic molecule
c) lanthanides
d) actinides

The particles that are lost, gained, or shared in a chemical reaction are
a) plasmas
b) protons
c) neutrons
d) electrons

Dmitri Mendeleev created the first
a) Chemical reaction
b) metal alloy
c) periodic table
d) semiconductor

An element's ____________________________ tells the number of protons in its nucleus.
a) atomic mass
b) atomic number
c) chemical symbol
d) period

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of most metals?
a) brittle
b) ductile
c) good conductor
d) malleable

The mixture of models is called a(n) _______________________.
a) alloy
b) halogen
c) diatomic molecule
d) actinides

A(n) _________________________ is a positively charged particle in an atom's nucleus.
a) electron
b) neutron
c) plasma
d) proton

The sun and many other starts are made mostly of the element
a) carbon
b) hydrogen
c) iron
d) oxygen

If a substance is ____________________, it can be pulled or drawn into a wire.
a) ductile
b) malleable
c) magnetic
d) reactive

In the _______________________________ state of matter, electrons are stripped away from the nuclei
a) gas
b) liquid
c) plasma
d) solid

An elements properties can be predicted from its
a) Number of isotopes
b) number of neutrons
c) atomic mass
d) location on the periodic table

The _________________________ family is a very reactive group of mostly nonmetals whose atoms gain or share one electron in chemical reactions.
a) halogen
b) diatomic molecule
c) alkali metals
d) alloy

NONMETALS are good conductors of heat and electricity.
a) true
b) false

From left to right in the periodic table, the elements are arranged in order of DECREASING atomic mass.
a) true
b) false

The mass of a PROTON is about one atomic mass unit
a) true
b) false

The reactivity of a metal elements generally INCREASES as you move from left to right across the periodic table.
a) true
b) false

HELIUM nuclei and energy are the products of the nuclear fusion on the sun's hydrogen.
a) true
b) false

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