Ecosystem Question Preview (ID: 41565)
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Why do bears hibernate
a) a lack of food in winter
b) to conserve energy
c) to stay warm
d) all possible answers
What adaptations allows a polar bear to survive in its environment?
a) thick, white fur to keep it warm
b) big body to blend in
c) black eyes to see well
d) nose to smell
What is a food web?
a) a pack of the same kind of animal
b) a spider's home
c) a group of linked food chains
d) a group of like insects
Which are examples of abiotic factors of an ecosystem?
a) rocks, trees, rivers, fish, soil
b) rocks, soil, lakes, sunlight, rain
c) soil, bacteria, sunlight, lakes, caves
d) rivers, streams, grass, mountains, sunlight
What are primary consumers?
a) organisms that eat plants
b) organisms that eat plants and animals
c) organisms that get energy from the sun
d) organisms that eat dead organisms
How much energy is transferred at each tropic level?
a) 5 percent
b) .10 percent
c) 10 percent
d) 100 percent
The organisms below are all decomposers except
a) worms
b) moss
c) mushroom
d) shrimp
Temperatures are similar all year; very humid; great variety of organisms; hot and wet
a) tropical dry forest
b) deciduous forest
c) tropical rain forest
d) tundra
Seasons are different; summers are very hot; dry year around
a) deciduous forest
b) desert
c) tropical rain forest
d) tundra
Warm year round with some water, dominant plant is grass
a) tropical rainforest
b) deciduous forest
c) grassland
d) tundra
Permafrost prevents roots of trees from growing; short growing season; only small plants
a) tundra
b) desert
c) tropical rainforest
d) taiga
Snow in winter; rain in summer; evergreen trees; often in high altitudes
a) deciduous forest
b) tundra
c) temperate grassland
d) coniferious forest / taiga
Largest biome; photic and aphotic zones; home of coral reefs
a) freshwater
b) tropical rainforest
c) tundra
d) marine
Seasons are different; trees lose leaves in cold; may have some coniferous trees
a) grassland
b) deciduous forest
c) tundra
d) taiga
Less than 2% of earth; not salty; can be standing or flowing
a) freshwater
b) marine
c) estuary
d) ocean
Which of these are a limiting factor in an ecosystem
a) water
b) temperature
c) food
d) all of the above
Which of the following is correctly arranged from lowest to highest trophic level?
a) bacteria, eagle, frog, mushroom
b) grass, bass, minnow, snake
c) grass, mouse, snake, eagle
d) algae, deer, hawk, bacteria
What is the ultimate source of energy in food chains
a) producers
b) consumers
c) plants
d) the sun
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