Asia History Review 1 Question Preview (ID: 41564)
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The phrase “Indian independence movement” refers to the Indian effort to break free from the rule of
a) Britain
b) France
c) no
d) no
What year did India become independent?
a) 1947
b) 1948
c) no
d) no
Who supported nonviolence as a way of India gaining its independence from colonial rule?
a) Gandhi
b) Zedong
c) no
d) no
In early 20th century India, Mohandas Gandhi believed in the policy of satyagraha. What is satyagraha?
a) civil disobediance
b) violent
c) no
d) no
Born in 1869 in a British colony -Studied law in England
a) Gandhi
b) Zedong
c) no
d) no
Mohandas Gandhi sought to promote nationalism in India based on
a) Hindu principles
b) Buddhist principles
c) no
d) no
What post World War II reforms or changes took place in Japan under the U.S.’s guidance?
a) Japan adopted a new constitution
b) Japan adopted a new army
c) no
d) no
Which was not a major role that the United States played in rebuilding Japan after World War II?
a) to prevent Vietnam from becoming the dominant country in the post-war region
b) to prevent Britain from becoming the dominant country in the post WWII era
c) no
d) no
Describe the relationship of the U.S. and Japan after World War II?
a) The US helped Japan rebuild
b) The US helped China rebuild
c) no
d) no
What is an example of the emergence or beginning of Chinese communism in the mid-20th century?
a) The Great Leap Forward
b) Tiananment Square
c) no
d) no
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