Vet Terminology 3 Question Preview (ID: 41560)

Prefix Suffix Root Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Term meaning Posion
a) -megaly
b) -toxin
c) -ist
d) -oxia

Term for abnormally large
a) -ist
b) -spasm
c) -megaly
d) -phagia

Term meaning one who studies
a) -lysis
b) -natal
c) -graphy
d) -ist

Term meaning birth
a) -natal
b) -phagia
c) -oxia
d) -spasm

Term meaning involuntary contraction
a) -al, -ic, -ac, -ous
b) -spasm
c) -phagia
d) -oxia

Term meaning pertaining to
a) -lysis
b) -spasm
c) -al, -ic, -ac, -ous
d) -ist

Term meaning recording of
a) -phagia
b) -lysis
c) -oxia
d) -graphy

Term meaning eating, swallowing
a) -phagia
b) -megaly
c) -natal
d) -lysis

Term meaning destruction of
a) -toxin
b) -lysis
c) -ist
d) -oxia

Term meaning oxygen
a) -ist
b) -natal
c) -oxia
d) -graphy

Term meaning Skin
a) derm/o dermat/i
b) Peritone/o
c) Hydr/o
d) Abdomin/o

Term meaning peritoneum
a) Gingiv/o
b) Peritone/o
c) Entr/o
d) Hepat/o

Term meaning Abdomen
a) Erythr/o
b) Ur/o
c) Abdomin/o
d) Hepat/o

Term meaning red blood cell
a) Abdomin/o
b) Ur/o
c) Entr/o
d) Erythr/o

Term meaning urinary system
a) Ur/o
b) Hepat/o
c) Copr/o
d) Cyan/o

Term meaning Liver
a) Ur/o
b) Hepat/o
c) Copr/o
d) Cyan/o

Term meaning poop :)
a) Cyan/o
b) Entr/o
c) Copr/o
d) Gingiv/o

Term meaning blue
a) Peritone/o
b) Entr/o
c) Cyan/o
d) Erythr/o

Term meaning intestines
a) Cyan/o
b) Hepat/o
c) Erythr/o
d) Entr/o

Term meaning gums
a) Gingiv/o
b) Entr/o
c) Copr/o
d) Erythr/o

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