Vet Terminology 2 Question Preview (ID: 41558)

Prefix Suffix And Root Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Term meaning Normal
a) Ep- Epi-
b) Eu-
c) Pan-
d) Uni-

Term meaning One
a) Eu-
b) Neo-
c) Uni-
d) Peri-

Term meaning many/much
a) Uni-
b) Peri-
c) Multi-
d) Pan-

Term meaning equal/same
a) Multi-
b) Iso-
c) Uni-
d) Eu-

Term meaning trachea
a) Trache/o
b) Thorac/o
c) Cardi/o
d) Ophthalm/o

Term meaning Mammary
a) Nas/o
b) Cephal/o
c) Thorac/o
d) Mamm/o

Term meaning Thorax
a) Trache/o
b) Cardi/o
c) Thorac/o
d) Dent/o Dent/i

Term meaning eyes
a) Nas/o
b) Ot/o
c) Cardi/o
d) Mamm/o

Term meaning chest
a) Steth/o
b) Mamm/o
c) Ot/o
d) Trache/o

Term meaning Head
a) Thorac/o
b) Cardi/o
c) Nas/o
d) Cephal/o

Term meaning Nose
a) Cephal/o
b) Steth/o
c) Nas/o
d) Ophthalm/o

Term for heart
a) Trache/o
b) Cardi/o
c) Mamm/o
d) Ot/o

Term meaning eye
a) Ophthalam/o
b) Cardi/o
c) Nas/o
d) Ot/o

Term meaning teeth
a) Ophthalm/o
b) Cardi/o
c) Nas/o
d) Dent/o, dent/i

Term meaning on, upon
a) Neo
b) Peri-
c) Ep-, epi-
d) Uni-

Term meaning New
a) Eu-
b) Post-
c) Pan-
d) Neo-

Term meaning After
a) Neo-
b) Pan-
c) Peri-
d) Post-

Term meaning all
a) Pan-
b) Post-
c) Peri-
d) Multi-

Term meaning around
a) Peri-
b) Iso-
c) Multi-
d) Eu-

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