Vet Terminology 1 Question Preview (ID: 41557)

Prefixes, Suffixes, And Root Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Term meaning tumor
a) -logy
b) -itis
c) -oma
d) -penia

Term meaning cutting, incision
a) -ectomy
b) -tomy
c) -scope
d) -oma

Term meaning blood condition
a) -emia
b) -oma
c) -pnea
d) -penia

Term meaning to breathing
a) -penia
b) -oma
c) -emia
d) -pnea

Term meaning to surgically remove
a) -pnea
b) -penia
c) -ectomy
d) -tomy

Term meaning the study of
a) -itis
b) -logy
c) -ist
d) -emia

Term meaning cell
a) -scope
b) -itis
c) -cyte
d) -logy

Term meaning inflammation
a) -itis
b) -penia
c) -pnea
d) -tomy

Term meaning instrument for examining
a) -logy
b) -ist
c) -oma
d) -scope

Term meaning abnormally slow
a) Hyper-
b) Brady-
c) Tachy-
d) Anti-

Term meaning insufficient, abnormally low
a) Hypo-
b) Hyper-
c) Tachy-
d) Dys-

Term meaning bad or poor
a) Anti-
b) Dys-
c) Hypo-
d) Mal-

Term meaning excessive, abnormally high
a) Hypo-
b) Hyper-
c) Tachy-
d) Brady-

Term meaning many, much, multiple
a) Hyper-
b) Brady-
c) Poly-
d) Tachy-

Term meaning without, lack of, not.
a) A-, An-
b) De-
c) Hypo-
d) Brady-

Term meaning abnormally fast.
a) Poly-
b) Hypo-
c) Hyper-
d) Tachy-

Term meaning against, or opposing
a) De-
b) Anti-
c) Poly-
d) Hypo-

Term meaning down, from.
a) Dys-
b) A-, An-
c) De-
d) Mal-

Prefix meaning difficulty
a) Dys-
b) Anti-
c) De-
d) Tachy-

Term meaning deficiency of
a) -ectomy
b) -emia
c) -pnea
d) -penia

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