Week 6 SAT Vocab Words Question Preview (ID: 41549)

Week 6 SAT Vocab Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

to get off topic when you are talking about something
a) prodigal
b) digress
c) turmoil
d) ominous

acting more important than you are
a) amiable
b) predator
c) pretentious
d) prodigal

dull or stale because of overuse
a) turmoil
b) berate
c) amiable
d) banal

to pacify, soothe, or appease
a) amiable
b) mollify
c) nonchalant
d) predator

friendly, kind
a) berate
b) indolent
c) ominous
d) amiable

one who takes advantage of another
a) turmoil
b) predator
c) amiable
d) indolent

wasteful; lavish
a) penurious
b) nonchalant
c) prodigal
d) slavish

extremely poor; destitute
a) penurious
b) indolent
c) berate
d) fanatical

a state of great commotion or confusion
a) predator
b) nonchalant
c) turmoil
d) penurious

pertaining to an evil omen; foreboding
a) prodigal
b) slavish
c) amiable
d) ominous

to scold or rebuke in a harsh tone
a) berate
b) amiable
c) fanatical
d) penurious

casual and indifferent
a) nonchalant
b) ominous
c) slavish
d) fanatical

lazy, not wanting to do any work
a) amiable
b) indolent
c) predator
d) berate

slave-like; overly humble; used to very hard work
a) ominous
b) slavish
c) fanatical
d) prodigal

full of great enthusiasm
a) nonchalant
b) turmoil
c) berate
d) fanatical

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