Death Of A Salesman Question Preview (ID: 41537)
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Where does Willy talk about going?
a) Alaska
b) New Jersey
c) Texas
d) California
How did Willy die?
a) He drank poison
b) He shot himself
c) Crashed his car
d) Jumped off a window
Who is Willy's boss?
a) Ed Sheeran
b) Muhammed Keskin
c) Stephanie Long
d) Howard Wagner
Which character never knew who he was?
a) Biff
b) Happy
c) Willy
d) Bernard
What is the outcome of Willy's visit to Howard?
a) Willy is promoted
b) Willy is fired
c) Howard kills Willy
d) Willy kills Howard
Who is the author of Death of a Salesman
a) Arthur Miller
b) Biff Loman
c) Tufan Aydin
d) Bilal Camlibel
8. Why doesn't Happy go west with Biff?
a) He is about to be married, and his wife-to-be won't let him go.
b) He wants to show the executives in his company that he can make the grade.
c) He is too insecure to try something that risky.
Who is The Woman?
a) Linda
b) Someone with whom Willy had a brief affair
c) Ben's wife
Who is Ben
a) He is Willy's brother who apparently became very successful at a young age
b) He is Willy's long time friend
c) He is Willy's oldest son, who no longer keeps in touch with the family
Who does Happy pick up at the restaurant
a) His mom
b) Bernard
c) Miss Forsythe and Letta
d) Willy
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